Lynnville Heart of Worship had the great pleasure of hearing Ian Green, speak to our congregation and guests on Saturday night, February 8 and Sunday morning February, 9. Ian travels the world regularly speaking at conferences and seminars, creating and developing networks on behalf of the Proton Foundation.

Ian shared his vision of what it means to disciple ALL nations. We must first lay the foundation of spreading God’s Kingdom by throwing judgements out the door and demonstrating kindness, compassion, mercy, and forgiveness. Ian motivated us all to “bring Heaven down to earth”, step out of our comfort zones in our neighborhoods and communities, and live the life God intended us to live.
Ian also shared how the Proton Foundation is working to better the lives of young people between ages 11 -14 by helping them develop healthy thinking habits and mental wellness through the Flourish Project. The Proton Foundation is also working to alleviate poverty and improve education for people in Uganda and is working with Hungarian Gypsy Missions International and other leaders in Hungary to plant churches and train leaders. If you are interested in learning more about Ian Green or contributing to The Proton Foundation, please visit or
Denise White-Staeker,
Lynville Heart of Worship, Iowa, USA.