At the end of April, Ian had the pleasure of spending the weekend speaking at Genesis Church in Bloomington, Indiana. Speaking with the church leaders on the Saturday and the whole congregation during their Sunday services.
Lead Pastor Timothy Woodcock, gives a summary of the weekend:
What an incredible weekend at Genesis Church with Ian Green!
Several Big Takeaways for Me:
1. Keep the end game at the forefront of our minds – That is the command to Disciple Nations. Yes start with discipling individuals, but how do we transition into discipling communities, cities, spheres of influence that ultimately shape culture.
2. Jesus said He would build His church – Not the synagogue (place of teaching), or the Temple (place of worship), but His Ekklesia, an idea borrowed from Greek/Roman Culture to speak of a place set up in new colonies of Rome to help infiltrate those cultures with the culture of Rome. The Ekklesia’s were to teach the language, function, and governance of that which it represented. An Ekklesia could be established by 2-3 gathering together and the authority of the one who sent them would be with them.
3. Gathering is an important function of the church, but the real mission of the church is as it disperses from the gathering into the world. We must transition from being church centric to Kingdom centric.
4. “These are only thoughts. Don’t let them worry you.”
Timothy Woodcock
Lead Pastor, Genesis Church