What a weekend!
Ian & Judith joined us for a full weekend of ministry and our people were blessed at every level that he ministered into.
Our weekend commenced with an informal meal on the Friday evening with our Senior Leadership Team. He related well to our small team of Leaders and their spouses and challenged us to be culture setters, culture connectors, culture carriers and culture confronters. All of the team commented on how equipping the teaching was and we talked long into the night anchoring the thoughts and ideas that Ian had presented.
On Saturday morning, Ian spent a morning with our Department Leaders and some of our emerging leaders. He encouraged them to start moving unnecessary things off the table to make room for greater things. You can start with small things and grow them to larger levels. And once again, people were helped by the very practical nature of the teaching.
On Sunday morning, Ian ministered across both our services to our wider congregation bringing  a motivational and thought provoking message that challenged the church to look for practical ways to bring heaven to earth when trying to win people to the Kingdom. He challenged a confrontational evangelism style as outreach outlining that Jesus modelled relational engagement with the people HE walked amongst and as such, so should we. He helped us consider how we as the church can connect with people but becoming an answer to felt need so that we earn the right to share Jesus with them.
Sunday evening was our Encounter Worship Night. Ian encouraged people to picture their God given future, prepare to move in that direction and to develop the skills to get there. This was very inspiring with many people responding for prayer and seeing the release of the prophetic over their lives.
We have so enjoyed the ministry over the course of the weekend and enjoyed Ian’s creative, challenging communication with his ability to engage at the right level with whatever group he spent time with.Â